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Papusas Food Truck: A Disappointment!

Orlando Food Truck Bazaar debuted in March of this year. Since then, the Food Truck Revolution has hit Orlando with lightening speed, gaining in popularity to such an extent that now at the very least 3-4 times a week, one can visit these bazaars.

I chose Lake Nona Food Truck Bazaar as my very first as they had 19 food trucks attending. I do relish my variety. I was pretty impressed with the variety however ultimately for me; the true test lies in taste. We initiated our hunt by taking a stroll; making selections based primarily on uniqueness and ethnicity.

We quickly spotted the Papusa’s Food Truck, handing out little savory bites to taste. My mom being a vegetarian craves variety and papusa’s are one of her favorite appetizers. The Papusa’s truck stood out since they were the only truck to provide covered tent with seating.

In case you are wondering what a ‘Papusa’ is; it is a traditional Salvadoran dish made of thick, handmade corn tortilla that is usually filled with a blend of cheese, pork, and refried beans. Pupusas are typically served with curtido (lightly fermented cabbage slaw with red chilies & vinegar) and a watery tomato salsa.

We ordered the chicken and jalapeno papusa from the specials menu. Even though, there was hardly a line, our papusa took a long time.  We were told that it was a “special” item, hence the wait. We eagerly dived into our papusa, anticipating bold burst of flavors and creaminess. To our disappointment, not only was the papusa’s interior raw, the filling was hardly noticeable.  Even dousing the papusa with salsa didn’t remove the raw taste of flour from our mouths. What a shame!!


I sincerely wish the Papusa Food Truck all the best in their endeavors and hope that in the future they can ensure serving totally cooked papusa’s from their kitchen and not succumb to short cuts.

Pupusas Salvadoreñas Food Truck on Urbanspoon

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2 thoughts on "Papusas Food Truck: A Disappointment!"

  1. I will have to disagree with your review. I love the pupusas from this truck!! My husband is from Honduras and knows about pupusas and can recognize its authenticity. All he could say about this truck was how these pupusas are the best he has ever had! They are authentic and very delicious!!

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