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My First LIVE Tweetup Party with @BG_Garden for #GardenChat: A Heartfelt Encounter!

Let me warn you friends. I am officially labeling this post ‘corny & sappy’. Proceed with caution and perhaps armed with a few tissues in hand.

Where do I start, how do I start? For once I am at a loss of words, Yes Me! speechless, haa haa. Can you count how many people who have truly touched your heart with the simplest gestures? In today’s day and age, more and more people are concerned about promoting their own agenda. So when I come across some one as special as Bren, it’s certainly a refreshing welcome. Her exuberance, bubbly personality, and genuineness is infectious. Not only has she unconditionally supported me, and my platform #spicychat, I watched her reach out to everyone always with her effervescent smile.

With a background in the Fine Arts and enthusiasm for creating, Midwest native Brenda Haas created the BGgarden website with aspirations of sharing and connected with others. Over the past few years she has been sharing life in the garden with photography, video and web design skills on the web.

Before I continue with my rants, here’s a brief background: Bren, a dear foodie friend of mine had been gearing up for the world’s biggest Independent Garden Center Show IGC in Chicago. Between all this hustle and bustle, Bren in passing mentioned about this wonderful opportunity to experience IGC12 and visit Chicago by being sponsored by P. Allen Smith Group & Bonnie Plants. In all honesty, I am a cook not a gardener; well the only things I do grow are herbs which are an essential tool in my kitchen.  Personally, for me it was about supporting the community and friends, namely #gardenchat to be precise. Little did I know, that I would win this giveaway.

I can’t even begin to express my delight, I was going to Chicago, one of my favorite foodie cities in the US, attend IGC, and most of all I get to meet my dear foodie friend Bren and attend her LIVE #gardenchat party!! Life is GOOD!

And this year was extra special since it was kicking of with the big #gardenchat LIVE in Chicago event at the Peterson Garden Project. And, YES, I got to witness it all in its finest glory. Here’s my humble attempt at recreating this wonderful evening. Starting with the live coverage of #gardenchat over cocktails and ending my inspirational evening-at the Pop-up Victory Garden over local craft beer & delightful hors d’oeuvres by George Jewell Catering and live music by international jazz artist Kenny Coleman.

The first portion of this delightful evening was held at The Peterson Garden Project Learning Center with Live #Gardernchat coverage and product demos from sponsors.



 To be honest, I had walked in slightly apprehensive. I felt completely out of my element since not only was I a stranger, I was in no means qualified to be a ‘gardener’. The electric energy of these fabulous people was contagious. Everyone was super friendly and eager to share their knowledge. If this was the welcome I received from these nurturing gardeners, then I couldn’t wait to find what was in store for me at the IGC12, and surely enough I wasn’t disappointed.

It was indeed a treat to watch jazz artist Kenny Coleman perform improv live with gardening tools. Special thanks to Corona Tools @coronatools on Twitter for providing the ‘instruments’ for the event. Video coverage by Bren. While we all were busy stuffing our faces, she was diligently covering the entire evening, live, for her #gardenchat followers. Now that IS commitment, people.


We mingled, laughed, and danced over delightful treats from George Jewell Catering; blue corn muffins stuffed with braised short ribs, pear & fontina bites wrapped in fresh basil, flat-bread with garden vegetables to name a few.


Not only did I leave inspired to take my home garden to the next level, but more importantly I left with hope in my heart, good people still exist, you just have to find them. And if you happen to be as fortunate as me, keep them close to your heart. Thank you Bren, for giving me this wonderful opportunity and most of all, for being YOU!

 #GardenChat: Connect, Share, Grow is their motto. Join in the conversation where the gardens grow on Twitter : #gardenchat. This is the site where you will be able to connected with garden enthusiasts from all walks of life connect and interact sharing ideas about their experience growing using social media.

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2 thoughts on "My First LIVE Tweetup Party with @BG_Garden for #GardenChat: A Heartfelt Encounter!"

  1. Nice reading all about the event! Yes I really enjoyed meeting Brenda at #TPIE12 and agree with you. I also enjoyed meeting you on #gardenchat and will be planting the seeds this weekend, thank you again!

  2. Rashmi …. thank you for being a part of the #gardenchat live event. It was truly my HONOR to have been able to meet you. Your images are wonderful : I was so busy tweeting for the Twitter world to see what was going on that I didn’t really get to give the gardens a good look for myself. That sunflower lamp in the last image you share is AMAZING!!!

    I hope we can do more foodie – garden networking together. Growing the recipe is truly a wonderful experience and you know where you can get any tips and ideas to help you along the way 😉

    Next year #IGCS …. Look out Chicago!

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